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Gender and creative ability: Mean differences and performance variability
Conceptual and measurement specificity are key: The case of creativity and emotions
Patterns of psychological vulnerabilities and resources in artists and nonartists
Emotions ignite and fuel creativity
Creativity, emotions, and the arts courses: An art center at the center
Scaffolding positive creativity in secondary school students
How adolescents develop and implement their ideas? On self-regulation of creative action
Editorial: Creativity and innovation in times of crisis (COVID-19)
Affect and creativity in children’s play: Sandra Russ’ blueprint for the field

The creativity dare: Attitudes toward creativity and prediction of creative behavior in school
Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity
Gender and emotions at work: Organizational rank has greater emotional benefits for men than women
Enhancing creativity skills of children enrolled in an emotion rich art-based course
Personality, emotions, and creativity

Intra-individual profiles of originality and fluency in divergent thinking responses
Creative thinking strategies for life: A course for professional adults using art

Emotions and creativity: From process to person and product
Emotion vocabulary in early adolescents

Building emotionally intelligent schools: From preschool to high school and beyond
Mixed emotions: Network analyses of intra-individual co-occurrences within and across situations
Personality, coping, and school wellbeing: An investigation of high school students
How do LGBTQ students feel at school?: Experiences of positive and negative emotions in high school
Highly engaged but ready to quit: Intra-individual profiles of engagement and burnout

The role of passion and persistence in creativity
Creativity in the domain of emotions
An art-based workshop for families: Learning emotion skills and choosing creativity
Emotions and creativity: From states to traits and emotion abilities
From having an idea to doing something with it: Self-regulation for creativity

Intended persistence: Comparing academic and creative challenges in high school
Creativity in the age of technology: Measuring the digital creativity of Millennials
Teaching emotion and creativity skills through art: A workshop for adolescents

Predicting creativity: Interactive effects of Openness to Experience and Emotion Regulation Ability
Teaching emotion and creativity skills through art: A workshop for children
Predicting school success: Comparing Conscientiousness, Grit, and Emotion Regulation Ability
Face to (Face)book: Two faces of social behavior
Feeling good and bad about the past and future self
Accuracy and consensus in judgments of trustworthiness from faces: Behavioral and neural correlates

Self-esteem memories in early adolescence
Creative polymathy: What Benjamin Franklin can teach your kindergartener
Creativity assessment in higher education
Not so Black and White: Memory for ambiguous group members
Creativity map: Toward the next generation of theories of creativity
Artistic and everyday creativity: An act-frequency approach
Cultural scripts guide recall of intensely positive life events





Emotion and mood in personality