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Scholarly Articles


Ivcevic, Z., Lin, S., Kaufman, J. C., & Hoffmann, J. D. (2023). Creativity and emotion: Connecting the dots. In Z. Ivcevic, J. D. Hoffmann, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotions.


Ivcevic, Z. (2023). Emotion traits and creativity. In Z. Ivcevic, J. D. Hoffmann, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Emotions.



Ivcevic, Z., Zyga, O., Hoffmann, J. D., & Palomera, R. (2022). Gender and creative ability: Mean differences and performance variability. Thinking Skills and Creativity. Advance online publication.


Ivcevic, Z. (2022). Conceptual and measurement specificity are key: The case of creativity and emotions. Creativity Research Journal. Advance online publication.


Levitats, Z., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2022). A world of opportunity: A top-down influence of emotional intelligence-related contextual factors on employee engagement and exhaustion. Frontiers in Psychology.


Ivcevic, Z., Grossman, E., & Ranjan, A. (2022). Patterns of psychological vulnerabilities and resources in artists and nonartists. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 16(1), 3–15.


Ivcevic, Z. (2022). Emotions ignite and fuel creativity. In Z. Ivcevic (Ed.), Creativity, Emotion, and the Arts: Research, Application, and Impact (pp. 34-42). Santander, Spain: Fundacion Botin.


Hoffmann, J. D., & Ivcevic, Z. (2022). Creativity, emotions, and the arts courses: An art center at the center. In Z. Ivcevic (Ed.), Creativity, Emotion, and the Arts: Research, Application, and Impact (pp. 45-55). Santander, Spain: Fundacion Botin.


Zyga, O., Ivcevic, Z., Hoffmann, J., & Palomera, R. (2022). Developmental trends in creative ability: A cross-sectional examination of figural and verbal domains across the school-age years. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 16(2), 196–208.


Ivcevic, Z., Hoffmann, J. D., McGarry, J. (2022). Scaffolding positive creativity in secondary school students. Educational Sciences.


Zielińska, A., Lebuda, I., Ivcevic, Z., & Karwowski, M. (2022). How adolescents develop and implement their ideas? On self-regulation of creative action. Thinking Skills and Creativity.


Tang, M., Reiter-Palmon, R., & Ivcevic, Z. (2022). Editorial: Creativity and innovation in times of crisis (COVID-19). Frontiers in Psychology.


Hoffmann, J. D., & Ivcevic, Z. (2022). Affect and creativity in children’s play: Sandra Russ’ blueprint for the field. In F. K. Reisman (Ed.). Celebrating Giants and Trailblazers: A-Z of Who’s Who in Creativity Research and Related Fields.


Ivcevic, Z., & Hoffmann, J. D. (2021). The creativity dare: Attitudes toward creativity and prediction of creative behavior in school. Journal of Creative Behavior.


Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Menges, J., & Brackett, M. A. (2021). Supervisor emotionally intelligent behavior and employee creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior. 55(1), 79-91.


Taylor, C. L., Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J., Menges, J. I., Retier-Palmon, R., & Brackett, M. A. (2021). Gender and emotions at work: Organizational rank has greater emotional benefits for men than women. Sex Roles.


Ivcevic, Z., & Eggers, C. (2021). Emotion regulation ability: Test performance and observer reports in predicting relationship, achievement, and well-being outcomes in adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Special Issue Emotional Intelligence, Cognitive Development and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents. 18, 3204.


Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., & Maliakkal, N. (2021). Enhancing creativity skills of children enrolled in an emotion rich art-based course. Empirical Studies in the Arts. 39(2) 123–148.


Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., & Feist, G. (2021). Personality, emotions, and creativity. In J. C. Kaufman & R. S. Sternberg (Eds.). The Student Handbook of Creativity (pp. 152-175). New York: Cambridge University Press.


Taylor, C., Ivcevic, Z., Moeller, J. & Brackett, M. A. (2020). Gender and creativity at work. Creativity and Innovation Management. Advanced online publication.

Cotter, K. N., Ivcevic, Z., & Moeller, J. (2020). Intra-individual profiles of originality and fluency in divergent thinking responses. Journal of Research in Personality. Advanced online publication.


Moeller, J., Brackett, M. A., Ivcevic, Z., & White, A. E. (2020). High school students’ feelings: Discoveries from a large national survey and an experience sampling study. Learning and Instruction. Advanced online publication.


Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., & Maliakkal, N. T. (2020). Creative thinking strategies for life: A course for professional adults using art. Journal of Creative Behavior. 54(2), 93–310.


Ivcevic, Z., & Hoffmann, J. D. (2019). Emotions and creativity: From process to person and product. In J. C. Kaufman & R. S. Sternberg (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Creativity (pp. 273-295). New York: Cambridge University Press.


Bazhydai, M., Ivcevic, Z., Widen, S., & Brackett, M. A. (2019). Emotion vocabulary in early adolescents. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 38(4), 378–404.


Ivcevic, Z., & Fundación Botín (2019). Introduction. In E. Gokcigdem (Ed.), Designing for empathy: Perspectives on the museum experience (pp. 1-15). Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield.


Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). Building emotionally intelligent schools: From preschool to high school and beyond. In D. Saklofske, J. Parker & K. Keefer (Eds.). Springer Handbook of Emotional Intelligence in Education (pp. 173-198).  New York: Springer.


Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., & White, A. E., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). Mixed emotions: Network analyses of intra-individual co-occurrences within and across situations. Emotion, 18(8), 1106-112.


Evans, P., Martin, A. J., & Ivcevic, Z. (2018). Personality, coping, and school wellbeing: An investigation of high school students. Social Psychology of Education, 21 (5), 1061–1080.


White, A., Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). How do high school students identify their gender identity and sexual orientation? Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 5(2), 243-252.


White, A., Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. A., & Stern, R. S. (2018). How do LGBTQ students feel at school?: Experiences of positive and negative emotions in high school. Sex Roles, 79 (9-10), 594–608.


Moeller, J., Ivcevic, Z., White, A. E., Menges, J., & Brackett, M. A. (2018). Highly engaged but ready to quit: Intra-individual profiles of engagement and burnout. Career Development International. 23(1), 86-105.


Grohman, M., Ivcevic, Z., Silvia, P., & Kaufman, S. B. (2017). The role of passion and persistence in creativity. Psychology in Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts. 11(4), 376-385.


Ivcevic, Z., Bazhydai, M., Hoffmann, J. D., & Brackett, M. A. (2017). Creativity in the domain of emotions. In J. C. Kaufman, J. Baer, & V. Glaveanu (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Creativity Across Different Domains (pp. 525-548). New York: Cambridge University Press.


Maliakkal, N. T., Hoffmann, J.D., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M.A. (2017). An art-based workshop for families: Learning emotion skills and choosing creativity. International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving. 27(1), 45-60.


Ivcevic, Z., & Hoffmann, J. D. (2017). Emotions and creativity: From states to traits and emotion abilities. In G. Feist, R. Reiter-Palmon, & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Creativity and Personality Research (pp. 187-213). New York: Cambridge University Press.


Ivcevic, Z., & Nusbaum, E. C. (2017). From having an idea to doing something with it: Self-regulation for creativity. In M. Karwowski & J. C. Kaufman (Eds.), The creative self: How our beliefs, self-efficacy, mindset, and identity impact our creativity (pp. 343-365). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.


Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., Zamora, G., Bazhydai, M., & Brackett, M. (2016). Intended persistence: Comparing academic and creative challenges in high school. Social Psychology of Education, 19(4), 793-816.


Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. A. (2016). Creativity in the age of technology: Measuring the digital creativity of Millennials. Creativity Research Journal, 28, 149-153.


Maliakkal, N. T., Hoffmann, J.D., Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M.A. (2016). Teaching emotion and creativity skills through art: A workshop for adolescents. The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 26(1), 69-83.


Ivcevic, Z., Maliakkal, N., & The Botin Foundation (2016). Teaching emotion and creativity skills through the arts. In E. Gokcigdem (Ed.), Fostering empathy through museums. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield.


Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. (2015). Predicting creativity: Interactive effects of Openness to Experience and Emotion Regulation Ability. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, 9, 480-487.


Ebert, M., Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., Phan, C., & Brackett, M. A. (2015). Creativity, emotion, and art: Development and initial evaluation of a workshop for professional adults. International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 25, 47-59.


Ebert, M., Hoffmann, J. D., Ivcevic, Z., Phan, C., & Brackett, M. A. (2015). Teaching emotion and creativity skills through art: A workshop for children. International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 25, 23-35.


Ivcevic, Z., & Brackett, M. (2014). Predicting school success: Comparing Conscientiousness, Grit, and Emotion Regulation Ability. Journal of Research in Personality. 52, 29-36.


Ivcevic, Z., Hoffmann, J. D., Brackett, M. A., & Botin Foundation (2014). Emotions, creativity, and the arts. In B. Heys (Ed.), Arts and emotions: Nurturing our creative potential (pp. 6-23). Santander, Spain: Botin Foundation.


Ivcevic, Z., & Kaufman, J. C. (2013). The can and cannot do attitude: Differences in self-estimates of ability across ethnic and socioeconomic groups. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 144-148.


Ivcevic, Z., & Ambady, N. (2013). Face to (Face)book: Two faces of social behavior. Journal of Personality. 81, 290–301.


Pillemer, D. B., Thomsen, D., Kuwabara, K., & Ivcevic, Z. (2013). Feeling good and bad about the past and future self. Memory, 2, 210-218.


Rule, N. O., Krendl, A. C., Ivcevic, Z., & Ambady, N. (2013). Accuracy and consensus in judgments of trustworthiness from faces: Behavioral and neural correlates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104, 409-426.


Ivcevic, Z., & Ambady, N. (2012). Personality impressions from identity claims on Facebook. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1, 38-45.


Thomsen, D. K., Pillemer, D. B., & Ivcevic, Z. (2011). Life story chapters, specific memories and the cultural life script. Memory, 19, 267-279.


Ivcevic, Z., Pillemer, D. B., & Brackett, M. A. (2010). Self-esteem memories in early adolescence. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 1265–1278.


Kaufman, J. C., Beghetto, R. A., Baer, J., & Ivcevic, Z. (2010). Creative polymathy: What Benjamin Franklin can teach your kindergartener. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 380-387.


Charyton, C., Ivcevic, Z., Plucker, J. A., & Kaufman, J. C. (2009). Creativity assessment in higher

education. In C. Schreiner (Ed.), Handbook of research on assessment technologies, methods, and applications in higher education (pp. 78-96). IGI Global.


Weisbuch, M., Ivcevic, Z., & Ambady, N. (2009). On being liked on the web and in the "real world": Consistency in first impressions across personal webpages and spontaneous behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 573-576.


Pauker, K., Ambady, N., Weisbuch, M., Sommers, S. R., Adams, R. B., & Ivcevic, Z. (2009). Not so Black and White: Memory for ambiguous group members. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 96, 795-810.


Ivcevic, Z. (2009). Creativity map: Toward the next generation of theories of creativity. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Special issue: New scholars in the field, 3, 17-21. 10.1037/a0014918


Ivcevic, Z., & Mayer, J. D. (2009). Mapping dimensions of creativity in the life-space. Creativity Research Journal, 21, 152-165.


Ivcevic, Z., Pillemer, D. B., Wang, Q., Yubo H., Huizhen T., Mohoric, T., & Taksic, V. (2008). When we feel good and bad about ourselves: Self-esteem memories across cultures. Memory, 16, 703 – 711.        


Ivcevic, Z. (2007). Artistic and everyday creativity: An act-frequency approach. Journal of Creative Behavior, 41, 271-290.


Pillemer, D. B., Ivcevic, Z., Collins, K. A., & Gooze, R. A. (2007). Self-esteem memories: Feeling good about achievement success, feeling bad about relationship distress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1292-1305.


Collins, K. A., Pillemer, D. B., Ivcevic, Z., & Gooze, R. A. (2007). Cultural scripts guide recall of intensely positive life events. Memory and Cognition, 35, 651-659.


Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. A., & Mayer, J. D. (2007). Emotional intelligence and emotional creativity. Journal of Personality, 75, 199-235.


Ivcevic, Z. (2007). Artistic and everyday creativity: An act-frequency approach. Journal of Creative Behavior, 41, 271-290.


Pillemer, D. B., Ivcevic, Z., Collins, K. A., & Gooze, R. A. (2007). Self-esteem memories: Feeling good about achievement success, feeling bad about relationship distress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 1292-1305.


Collins, K. A., Pillemer, D. B., Ivcevic, Z., & Gooze, R. A. (2007). Cultural scripts guide recall of intensely positive life events. Memory and Cognition, 35, 651-659.


Ivcevic, Z., Brackett, M. A., & Mayer, J. D. (2007). Emotional intelligence and emotional creativity. Journal of Personality, 75, 199-235.


Ivcevic, Z., & Mayer, J. D. (2006). Creative types and personality. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 26, 65-86.


Brackett, M. A., Lopes, P., Ivcevic, Z., Pizarro, D., Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (2004).  Integrating emotion and cognition: The role of emotional intelligence. In D. Dai & R. J. Sternberg (Eds.), Motivation, emotion, and cognition: Integrating perspectives on intellectual functioning. (pp. 175-194). Mahawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Ivcevic, Z., Mayer, J. D., & Brackett, M. A. (2003). Exploring personality the natural way: An inquiry into open-ended self-descriptions. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 22, 209-236.


Mayer, J. D., Brackett, M., & Ivcevic, Z. (2001). Emotion and mood in personality. Psychological Inquiry, 13, 77-80.

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